June 24 new updates

24 06 2009

Hi everyone,

As the new Ichiraku is now more or less stable, we have proceeded on fixing the underlying issues in the forum, and attempting to return the useful features in the old version of 1.1.9 to our latest one. While most of these have already been addressed, some are still pending and we would like to ask for your patience as we try ways on solving the problems. As it is, the Karma and Referrals systems are both down. We have decided to reset everyone’s Karma to zero due to people spamming the Karma system with smites and making it a vehicle for personal vendetta. However, we have found that there are no compatible plugins for the Karma Log with which we can keep track of Karma changes, so we have instead disabled it completely.

One of the replacements we were thinking of was the Good Post/Bad Post scheme. In this system, users are forced to make substantial posts and informative topics by making all of their posts susceptible to a voting system as either a “good post” or a “bad post”. The number of votes regardless of being good or bad affects their overall “Respect” points, enabling them to have some additional privileges from us. In addition, a post with at least 5 Bad Post votes will automatically be highlighted and marked, so that members will know information that is incorrect, misleading, or offensive.

Good Post/Bad Post in action

Good Post/Bad Post in action

In theory, this has already been applied, but other members I believe don’t see this yet. So for the meantime, we will coordinate with the creator of this modification to see how it can be applied to our forum in a seamless manner.

There were also some complaints before that the user profile area when you’re viewing messages inside a topic – this area contains your badges, your avatar, custom title and the like, to the left of the message – is getting cluttered with the forum forcing to display a post-count based rank (Silberkreuzen, Cataphracti, Wardbearer, etc) along with your other text. We have hidden this in response, but left it for other members whose primary member group is those ranks based on post-counts. So if you guys see your user area panel in message view missing a post-count rank, don’t be alarmed; this only means that your primary membergroup is your topmost badge.

We have also restricted signature images to 2 now. Try to test if you can upload images more than this number to see if the feature (new to SMF 2) is working as advertised.

See you next update!